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While Easter Sunday is the big day we focus on this time of year, we can’t forget what happens after that weekend. People who haven’t been to church in a long time, if ever, come on Easter. Hopefully, many of them made the decision to follow Christ during an Easter service. Whether they’re still not sure about faith or if they’re new believers, it’s important to make an effort to help them take the next step. Here are four simple ways to follow-up after Easter:

1) Send push notifications to invite people to come back for next week’s services

Many people may have downloaded your church’s mobile app to give on Easter morning, participate in a poll during service, or check out your church before they visited.  Why not send out a quick notification thanking them for coming and inviting them to come back the following Sunday?  Mention the sermon topic and any special activities you’ll have for kids, etc.

2) Provide a Bible reading plan for new believers

For those who’re new to the faith, the Bible can be a bit intimidating.  Make it easier for folks to know where to start by providing a custom reading plan for them through your app.  This is a great way to help new Christians start a Bible-reading habit and grow in their faith.

3) Contact those who filled out the new visitor form

Hopefully, most of your first-time guests filled out the new visitor form on your app.  Make sure your team contacts them the following week.  Thank them for coming, invite them back, and be ready to answer any questions they may have about your church.

4) Encourage people to share the sermon video on social media

Keep the momentum from Easter going by asking your congregation to share the message on social media.  You never know who’ll see the video at the perfect moment in their life and decide to give faith another look.

Easter Sunday is the day we celebrate our Savior’s resurrection and seek to draw more people into His Kingdom.  While you’ve probably put most of your planning and work into Easter weekend, don’t forget the importance of post-Easter follow-up.