Many churches, both large and small, want to broadcast their services online but don’t know where to start. Thankfully, setting up live streaming for a church has never been easier than it is today! Above all, your church should be looking for solutions that make your content streamable to any device and easy to set up and manage.
When it comes to setting up your church’s live stream, there are three basic steps to follow: capture, encode, and stream.

1. Capture
Live streaming equipment for churches can range from items you already own to advanced hardware and software tools that can level up the video and audio quality. If you’re not ready to invest in a professional setup, the good news is that almost any camera or device with video capabilities can be used to stream! This includes mobile devices, such as iPhones, as well as your computer’s built-in webcam. Both are quick to set up and require no additional purchases to capture video and audio for your church live streams.
Live streaming cameras
Having a camera that can manage 720p (standard HD) or 1080p (full HD) resolution is ideal for a high-quality video experience. The average laptop webcam already offers 720p resolution, and most current smartphone…
This post was originally published on the Subsplash blog. Continue reading to learn more about How to set up live streaming for your church, including:
- Camera options, selection, microphones
- Simulated live streams—record now, live stream later
- Encoding—hardware and software options for converting content and streaming to other platforms
- Streaming best practices
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