If your church has small groups, there’s plenty of effort involved in promoting, coordinating, and running that ministry program. Your custom app is a helpful tool for handling those tasks and encouraging more people to get involved with a group. Here are a few ways to start using your app to make running a small group ministry easier:

1) Create an app screen dedicated to small groups

When you promote small groups, provide a single page you can point people to for more information.  Create a custom app screen that includes information about why small groups are a vital part of the church, why people should get involved in a group, testimonies of those who’re already in a group, a list of available groups, etc.

2) Provide sign up forms within the app

Make it easy for people to find a group and sign up via your church app.  You can create a signup form to collect their name, phone number, email address, what group(s) they’re interested in, and more.  You can quickly view and export the data submitted to that form and match people up with the group that’s the best fit for them.

3) Provide materials for small groups

Depending on how you run the small group ministry, you might want to provide sermon notes and/or questions for groups to discuss each week.  You could also create a custom Bible reading plan based on each small group’s topic or theme.  Offering this content makes it easier for your small group leaders to prepare for each week’s discussion.

A small group ministry can be an incredible discipleship tool at your church. Your custom app can make the administration aspect of small groups easier and less time-consuming. That leaves you more time to develop small group leaders and make that ministry area even stronger.