How to Encourage Church Giving

Many pastors and church leaders dread asking people to give to their ministry. But this is often because without a solid vision or strategy, talking about church giving can feel awkward, demanding, or even unbiblical! However, there are proven strategies used by pastors to make talking about giving more exciting and more effective.

Here are five simple ways to get started!

Bible verses about tithes

1. Focus on the “why” behind church giving

It’s important to realize that not everyone has been taught why charity is important in Christianity. The Bible has over 2,000 scriptures teaching about money, tithing, possessions and giving. Once people realize the role of money in our lives, how to manage their finances, and why they should give, being generous is easy!

Understanding church giving requires understanding the “why” behind the use of money. Why do we need money? What does the Bible say about money? How does good or bad money management affect our lives? Check out some practical ways you can help your congregation better understand the story behind why we give money to the church. 

  • Teach about biblical stewardship: Money is more than just a resource to covet or a tool to buy things. The Bible has a lot to say about tithing, as well as how to handle our money and possessions in a way that honors God and blesses our neighbors. 
  • Offer financial classes: Coordinate with financial professionals in your church to teach finance classes. You can also use existing resources such as Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University to host classes. Helping your church understand simple money management, create financial plans, and to be free of debt will change the way your congregation views money. 
  • Talk about giving in the church more often: Don’t avoid conversations about the importance of supporting your church. Instead, bring up the topic of financial giving to the church in an open and empathetic manner using the techniques found in this article. 

This post was originally posted on the Subsplash blog. Continue reading the 5 proven strategies for encouraging church giving blog for more church-giving strategies! 

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