Google Play Updates Their App Store Policy

Earlier this year, after making bold moves to clean up the App Store, Apple decided they would continue to allow individually branded apps made by app building services like Subsplash to be placed in the App Store. After previous statements saying they would disallow them, this was a very welcome change! The only catch: all apps

How to Make Announcements Count

By the time they’ve heard the announcement, listened to the sermon, and picked up their children, people are leaving and have completely forgotten about the upcoming event. Even if you have signup tables in the lobby, they may pass right by them on the way out the door.

Moms and Mobile Apps

It’s 5:30am on Monday morning. Alarms are going, kids are racing around to get ready, making breakfasts, coffees, prepping lunches; and all the while, trying to get everyone out of the door by 6:55am.  No small task, that’s for sure. Life comes at us fast, and furious.  The busyness of life for us Moms is

FACT: Smartphones Are Now Part Of Our Daily Life

Recently, Pew Research released a report on U.S. Smartphone use in 2015. In this wide ranging report, some key statistics stood out in regards to not only how many Americans own a smartphone, but also how they are using their smartphones. The report found that 64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some